Poor neglected House has gotten some long over due attention today. My trusty little assistant and I began the exfoliation treatment this morning while Sabi slept. I have to admit, I’ve been putting off this job.
I spent most of my youth scraping wall paper off the walls at my parents house. Scraping their wall paper was a horrendous job, I remember standing in the passage with Mum both of us looking like oversized Lamingtons stuck all over with desiccated wall paper. With our exhausted scraping arms limp by our sides we stood there admiring the 30cm square patch of clear wall, the patch that had taken us the last 3 hours to complete. Ok so may be I exaggerate, but not by much. Ask Glenn he was involved in the all nighter we pulled to try and get the foyer ready before Christmas, the same foyer, I might add, that they are in the process of renovating again (they will never stop)
House however behaved amazingly well, he must have been dying to get rid of that cruddy stuff because as soon a we wet it large chunks of the stuff just pealed away. In one little baby sleep (which at the moment is not very long) we completed all we could reach on one whole wall. Admittedly it’s a small wall but hey, we did it. When we finish I’ll post before and after then you can see just how far House has come along since we moved in. The guy that owned him before us had some serious caravan park fetish going on evident by the fact that he encased every single wall and a ceiling with plastic wood panelling. You just wait till you see those photos.
I’ll end this with the ever inspiring words of Miss Lilly Pilly:
"I’ve got to get out of the bath now, my skin is nearly all off!"
WooHoo! Progress!
Hmm… Pulling wallpaper off with your hands is slow. Start with gritty sandpaper (to cut through any plastic coating), LOTS of water (cover any power points with tape first!!), then a decent (10cm) painters blade. But it’s never fun…
Thanks for the advise, we were using more than our little fingers but I thought it wise to remove the sharp bladed scraper from the child who so often injurers herself whilst taking the photo
A wise move, of course… I’m just happy to have a house without ANY wallpaper. To the inventors of the stuff, “WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???”
My one wall paper peeling experience was horrible enough that I dread ever tackling the stuff again. So glad to hear it’s coming off easy for you this go round.