These are the kids wearing their finished Indigenous Australian inspired costumes that they designed and made themselves for a play. Lilly the sideways one is a Goanna called Googah, Eli with the sword is a crocodile called Kooria and Alanah is a kangaroo called Marloo. These costumes were for a play they were putting together that I wrote more about here.
On the morning of the play(two Fridays ago) I was very ill so poor Glenn was landed with driving them up the mountain to their Home Schooling group and directing a play that he hadn’t even seen rehearsed and one that I was planning to mostly adlib. Did I mention I love my husband.
According to Glenn they did really well and for shy kids who never put themselves forward to do anything last year at school I was just pleases they had the idea and saw it through to the end without a panic attack. However there was technical difficulties with videoing it, we only got the very end, so I might ask them to do it again for the Grandparents and film that production.
This is what Alanah wrote about her costume:
I designed a costume and the story is called ‘Marloo’s Great Leap’. My family is going to make it into a play. I am dressing up as Marloo, and Marloo is a Kangaroo. We copied the design from the book it is an Aboriginal x-ray painting of Marloo it has heaps of dots on it. The x-ray has a heart, lungs, intestines and muscles.