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We seem to be living at the doctors at the moment.

I’ve decided I’m going to have to stop thinking about things like, I wonder where we should go for a holiday this year or did I lock the car or what should I make for dinner. There is just no room in my head for thoughts like these at the moment. We will still go on holiday, It’ll just be a surprise, I’m sure we’ll pick a place before we leave, maybe…. and no one would want our car anyway…. and I’m sure if we look in the fridge we’ll find something to eat. I’m just not devoting any memory space to it.

Inside my head at the moment are loads of unanswered questions.

Inside my head are worries.

I worry about Eli, whose method, philosophy, program should we follow.

I worry about Sabrina and the little red, possibly displaying Autism Spectrum Disorder, flags that she keeps waving around in doctors’ faces.

I worry about me because I obviously look a total train wreck I must be frightening everyone I come in contact with with my haggeredness because my doctor decided that something was not right and has ordered every possible test under the sun to find out what it is. I personally think it might have something to do with the fact that I have averaged 5 hours a night sleeping for the last three years. Her tests however show that I am anaemic and have high blood glucose levels. So fun and games and just because I love the place so much I am back in the doctors waiting room tomorrow for a two hour blood glucose test to determined if I have diabetics which she said is a distinct possibility. oh yay.


Totally unflattering photos of her haggard mother are by Lillian who insists on documenting every moment of our lives and from every angle. Oh and I have no idea what’s going on with Glenn but whatever it was it obviously didn’t surprise me.

Prayers for good test results and for clarity and good decisions would be greatly appreciated.

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9 Responses to Home away from home

  1. Sally says:

    Prayers are on their way, Denny sends a good luck lick, and Eleanor a drooly kiss 🙂

  2. Aunty Kathryn says:

    Oh wow. Sorry to hear what a tough time you are having. I will be praying. xo

  3. Aunty Kathryn says:

    Oh, and you DON’T look haggard to me. Honestly.

  4. rachael says:

    We are praying for you, hope the tests come back soon and with good news

  5. Sarah Slaven says:

    Thanks guys I drank my Kryptonite juice (fluoro green sickly sweet lemon-aid stuff) and had three vials of blood taken which I’m thinking can’t help with the anaemia and we should know the results on Monday.

  6. Jo says:

    Oh Sarah, you need a break! Praying for normal test results and that taking some iron will help you feel a bit better. xxx

  7. Madeline says:

    Lots of prayers for you. I hope all you need is a bit of iron in you. Get some rest and take care of yourself in the meantime.

  8. Talia says:

    Thinking of you Sarah, hope all your test results work out, and that it’s nothing serious. xo

  9. Lusi says:

    Thinking of you mate!
    We’ve had some red flags a-waving for little Zippi too..sigh. Done it once, can do it again is what I tell myself but other times I look at her, pray it isn’t so and watch her enjoying life. Time will tell.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Much love and plenty of empathetic feelings,
    Lus x

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