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I am eating lunch and the children are planning their futures. So far it goes a little like this.

Lilly:” I never want to grow up”

Me:”oh why there are lots of good things about being grown up”

Alanah: (dripping with sarcasm) Yeah like you can have your stomach ripped open and a needle stuck in your back” (she recently over heard a conversation involving the word Caesarean section. I tried to be as delicate as I could in the description focusing on the joy of finally getting to meet your baby and how thankful we should be that modern medicine saves lives but apparently all she took away from the conversation was the cutting and jabbing bits)

I just roll my eyes at her, I’m trying to get in as many eye rolls as I can before the teenage years turn up.

Alanah: “When I have a baby he’s going to be called John, Eli’s favourite name”

Me: “Well that’s not fare if it’s Eli’s favourite name wont he want to call his son John”

Eli: “That’s ok I’ll just call my baby John too.”

Lilly: “My baby’s name is John” (said like it was something totally new to the conversation)

Me: “Well that will make it easy for me. When I have my grandchildren around for Lunch I can just call out JOHNSSSSSS foods up. ( Totally ham up the acting here, cup hands around mouth, lean back as I draw out the call then put hands out to fend of the hordes of invisible Johns)

Peals of hysterical laughter ensue, I so rock the stand up stage in this house!

Finally Lilly manages to get enough oxygen in her lungs to speak (yes I know so surprising that Lilly spoke first..a hum.)

Lilly: “ Noooo you’ll have to call come in John S, John K and John J”

Me: “Oh do you two girls already know who you are marrying then”

Lilly: “What????”

Me: “Well when a woman gets married she takes her husbands last name that’s why all your babies would have different letters, so who is Mr J then??”

Lilly: “Eww no that’s just the baby’s name like John Jay Kay Ess Ell Emm……” ( I so love that they want babies but the thought of kissing boys is still yuck to them)

Alanah: “Actually my baby is going to be called Wendy”

Lilly: “OH OH Oh and mine is TINCKER BELLL!!!”

Eli: YES and my other baby is called CAPTAIN HOOK!!!!”

And suddenly I’m Grandmother to a fairytale.

That is what I love about my kitchen, the conversations.

Find out what other people love by popping over to Hello Owls.


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6 Responses to My Place & Yours- Kitchen Loves

  1. Cherie says:

    Haaa Adorable, totally adorable conversation 😉 They say out of the mouths of babes, well your sweethearts have certainly got it all.
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post and as for the flannel using well you’re top of the posts this week in more ways than one 😉
    See you next week, I’m sure it’ll be an excellent one for you too. XO.

  2. Jo says:

    Haha, you will have to read them the Dr Seuss story where someone has 31 sons and she names them all Dave!
    What on earth are they eating!!

  3. Sarah Slaven says:

    Yes I felt like I was channelling Seuss today. They are eating a banana on a stick rolled in Milo drizzled with honey and sprinkled with choc chips and not a dead hamster as someone else thought. it is a Slaven Kid creation.

  4. Jill Grant says:

    that Little Lill eats just like her Aunty Jool…….
    Love to read what is actually being said I so wish I could hear it too. Why don’t you get hidden cameras in so I can watch you all.

  5. Madeline says:

    Oh, my gosh! This makes me laugh. Love reading the funny sayings and conversations of little ones.

  6. Sarah Slaven says:

    Thanks guys I love sharing the laughter and yes Jill that would be a great idea, not creepy in the least 🙂

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