Not many words today just a picture show because I’m sooooo busy, or at least soooo disorganized.
We decided that the best way to fit Lillian in the room was to stick her in the cupboard, well on top of the cupboard. Her bed is going to be a loft bed with the head of her bed sitting on top of the wardrobe so to do that we needed to knock out the little wall above the existing wardrobe.
Lillian where her bed will be.
Eli thrilled that he can see into the roof from his room.
With the little wall removed. Lillian’s bed will fit on top of the wardrobe and run along the green wall.
yes put Lilly Lil in the cupboard thats a great idea…………….LOL you guys are so funny.
Why don’t you just have one kids beroom for sleeping and one for toys, clothes and playing. You can just string up hamocks across the room and each one can hang above the other. When sleeping time is over you can unhook the hamocks and have more floorspace for playing.
Hamocks are cheap too and you would save on bedclothes as you just need a blanket each, no pillows needed. Saves time on making beds too.
Very inventive! But, oh, how remodeling is a pain!