We have moved to Asia in ourĀ travellingĀ around the globe studies. We are starting with India because it matches up nicely with the chapter that we are up to in our history book, The Story Of The World. To help the kids get a feel for what the country is like before we start reading about it I allowed them to browse around on a really cool website I found called India Video. they loved clicking through all the different videos, watching traditional dances, tours of historic buildings or important landmarks but their favourite videos were the Yoga tutorials.
They set the laptop up on a low chair so the could see it from the floor and copied the movements, either as a group or taking turns when it was just a boy or girl tutor.
Lilly kept saying it was like weird gymnastics.
Eli saw it as a challenge to perfectly imitate the instructor, his level of concentration was intense.
They all enjoyed the calm structured movements and have decided that they are really quite interested in India.
Hey, are you going to Parramasala this weekend? We’re going on Sunday, after church, for lunch…
Yes we are but I’m not sure which day, I need to get ready for the party so I don’t want to use a whole day up. It’s pretty cool how it’s all come together though, it feels a bit like they put on a big party just to compliment our schooling.