Category Archives: The House
Update on Eli’s loft bed.
Life has been a bit of a blur lately, mainly because my glasses are constantly covered in sawdust. Glenn is working on the cleaver bolt thingies Dad came up with … Continue reading
Led up the garden path
This is a photo of our old, very narrow, constantly flooded and covered in rubble front path. It’s one of the things that has constantly bugged me about this house. … Continue reading
Nobody like me, everybody hates me, Think I’ll go…
We got a worm farm, Woot!, yay! and all that. It’s actually quite exciting. Glenn even went to a seminar at Bunning’s in which the guy running the seminar … Continue reading
successful stripping
LOOK, LOOK, LOOK!!!! the icky yucky black stuff is coming off the floor, WooHoo!!! It is so officially Happy Dance time, come on join me one…two…three…kick, one…two…three…kick! The not very … Continue reading
When good babies go bad
This last shot is especially for my sister who keeps trying to peer past all those annoying kids in the photos I put up to see how the renovations are … Continue reading
Fitting two kids in a tiny room – Part One
Renovation update, we have totally given up on the lounge room for now. After a years work involving ripping plastic wood cladding off the walls, finding and repairing whopping great … Continue reading
There’s a house with a wall, with a wall, with a ???
Why does my head sing playschool songs while renovating??? Must be the tedium, or the monotony or the tiny bits of paint dust that fly up my nose and lodge themselves in the gray matter. Must really check if this stuff is lead-based Continue reading
A little DIYTLC
Poor neglected House has gotten some long over due attention today. My trusty little assistant and I began the exfoliation treatment this morning while Sabi slept. I have to admit, … Continue reading
I spy something blossoming
I came across this cute little I spy meme at Cindy’s the theme something blossoming was picked by Holly. I’m not normally this literal. Continue reading
Today’s little op shop finds
I have a confession I love doilies, I know, I know, how Little old lady of me. Mostly I just look at them, take them for a little walk around the shop then put them back. Continue reading